First Islamic Motor Insurance in Britain

CAIRO - an Islamic insurance company based in London struck the BRITISH roads with a product oh-in conformity of automobile insurance of `of Shari which immediately attracted Moslems and not-Moslems for his moral nature.

There was much of, of interest Kaye Pimblett, director of auto insurance to the site of of price-comparison, said independent on Sunday February 15.

During its first seven days on, Salaam Halal is turned over more than 37.000, of quotations it were added.

And when they returned a quotation, they appeared in three principal positions top more than one third of the occasions.

The insurance of Halal de Salaam launched the new policies of engine by and its Web own site.

The product is based on the principle of Takaful, which requires of all the participants to also share the risk and the principal devices of addresses related to the conventional insurance which is incompatible with the Shari ah.

Instead of the premiums, people contracting a policy with contributions of wages of Halal de Salaam in a swimming pool and this money are then put in investments conformity of Shari`ah.

The central swimming pool of the funds is employed to pay all the complaints which emerge, and with the end of the year, if the swimming pool with-top-is placed, the surplus will be redistributed with the policy-holders by a discount on their next premium.

But if the complaints are higher than contributions, the complaints and they of excess of wages of shareholders recover their money in period of the benefit.

The prohibited Islam of the Moslems of wear, arousing or paying the interest on loans.

The banks and the Islamic establishments of finances cannot receive or provide funds for anything which implies alcohol, the play, the pornography, the tobacco, the weapons or the pig.


The product was a great welcome with the British Moslems, who wished ardently for the product of insurance which is in conformity with their faith.

Automobile insurance Halal de Salaam made call with me as it has the price indicated competitivement, but of a more important manner, him 's in conformity with the Moslem faith, something that one forever have front, Hassan says Ahmed, a Moslem customer.

Great Britain is at the house with an important Moslem minority of almost two million.

The insurance of Halal de Salaam, Great Britain 'insurer oh-in conformity of `of S first Shari, was launched July spent to offer policies in conformity with the Moslem faith.

The incipient company also envisages to launch the insurance policies to the house soon.

The moral nature of the product of Halal de Salaam proved to call upon the not-Moslems as well.

What is single is the moral nature of what we make, Torch-Cross of Bradley, the senior officer of the insurance of Halal de Salaam, said the independent one.

It 'the transparent process of SA and the occasion to obtain something postpones is attractive to the customers, of the Moslems and the similar not-Moslems.

Emile Abu-Shakra, a spokesperson for bank transactions of Lloyds, said that the attraction of product belongs to the popularity of the Islamic services of finances.

Although while BRITISH Islamic finances of the market are in its childhood, it 's always place to become important businesses, Abu-Shakra note, whose bank cut through a path of Islamic finances with RU.

We offer the Islamic current and of the accounts of businesses, the mortgages and, of funds of investment of investments she added.

We controlled the latter in Juste five branches in 2005 but that quickly increased with each of the 2.000 the following year.

These last years, London was established like hub Islamic finances.

There are four Islamic banks approximately authorized - only in the European Union - in Great Britain.

There are also 21 conventional banks offering the Islamic products of bank transactions, newest of which is Gatehouse, which received its licence in April.

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